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During a car journey, the occupants are exposed to a wide variety of stresses. Electric or magnetic direct and alternating fields, pulse-modulated fields from cell phones, but also stress are typical burdens during a car ride. The same applies to bus and train journeys.


Examination with Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt (BaPS) shows, that people and animals who were exposed to these burdens, always show the same resulting regulation deficits. BaPS describes these deficits as a total of six specific fundamental frequency values (12,50; 82,60; 87,79; 99,75; 86,85; 99,50). Exactly these six fundamental frequency values have been integrated into the six dipole antenna systems of the CAR-Rayex in accordance with the principles of BaPS and can thus be harmonized in the organism.


The dipole antenna system used in Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt is also subject of very interesting in-vitro studies, whose results have been obtained under laboratory conditions. A cell-biological study by the Dartsch Scientific Institute shows that, by means of such fundamental frequency values, the regulation ability of cell structures can be very positively affected. The study can be found here.

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